From crazy weather to unexpected campus situations, being ready means ourselves with the knowledge and resources needed to handle any situation. Explore emergency preparedness and notification resources below to create a safer and more resilient community together.


Know what to do before, during and after an emergency.


Emergency notifications are alerts issued by our 公共安全部 to inform the campus community about significant emergencies or dangerous situations involving an immediate threat to their health or safety. These notifications are broader than 及时的警告 and can encompass a wide range of threats beyond Clery Act crimes.

Download LiveSafe App for 紧急通知s

学生, 父母, 员工, and community members must download the LiveSafe app and select 德克萨斯南方大学 as your institution to receive emergency notifications issued by TSU 公共安全部.


The primary goal is to ensure the safety of the campus community by providing prompt information about emergencies or dangerous situations so individuals can take protective actions.


Emergency notifications are required when there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or 员工 on campus. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • 自然灾害(e).g.(地震、龙卷风、洪水)
  • 火灾
  • 严重疾病的爆发(如.g.(脑膜炎、COVID-19)
  • 化学品泄漏
  • 活跃枪手情况
  • 炸弹威胁


An emergency notification should provide enough information to allow members of the campus community to take appropriate actions to protect themselves. 这可能包括:

  • 紧急情况或威胁的类型.
  • 事故发生地点.
  • 为确保安全而采取的步骤(例如.g.(撤离,就地避难).
  • Contact information for further updates.


Institutions must use any and all communication methods that will effectively notify the campus community. 这些可能包括:

  • 短信
  • 电子邮件
  • 电话
  • 社交媒体
  • 校园 loudspeakers or public address systems
  • 大学网站
  • 数字sinage


Emergency notifications must be issued immediately upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation. Delays are only permissible if issuing the notification would compromise efforts to assist a victim, 控制紧急情况, 对紧急情况作出反应, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.


不像及时警告, which are limited to Clery Act crimes, emergency notifications can cover any significant threat to health or safety. 另外, emergency notifications can be sent to the entire campus or specific segments of the campus community, 取决于谁处于危险之中.


Institutions are also responsible for providing updates and additional information as necessary to keep the campus community informed throughout the duration of the emergency.