Texas Southern University Social Media Channels

Many TSU offices, departments, schools and colleges use social media to make announcements, promote events and highlight faculty, staff and students. Please see a listing below. (Any department, college or school planning to launch a new social media presence should contact the Office of Marketing & Communications in advance.


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Organization Handle Channel
TSU Official Account @TexasSouthern
Ocean of Soul Marching Band @tsuoceanofsoul Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube
University Athletics @TXSOTigers Twitter Facebook
Men's Basketball @tsumenshoosps Twitter Facebook Instagram
Financial Aid & Scholarships @txsufinancialaid Facebook 
Jesse H. Jones School of Business @jhj.tsu Facebook
Division of Student Services (DOSS) @txsudoss Facebook
Thurgood Marshall School of Law @tsulaw Facebook
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences COPHS @txsucophs Facebook
Center for Biomedical and Minority Health Research @CECTxSouthernU Facebook
Debate Team @tsudebate Facebook
University Bookstore @texassouthernbooks Facebook
Alumni Relations @AlumniRelations Facebook
National Alumni Association @TxSUNAA Facebook
TSU Young Alumni Chapter @tsuyac Facebook
TSU Alumni Assoc Metro Houston Chapter @tsunaametrohouston Facebook
TSU National Alumni Association – San Antonio Chapter @tsunnasanantonio Facebook
TRIO Educational Opportunity Center @trioeoc Facebook
University Museum @UMUSETXSU Twitter  Facebook Instagram